Thursday, May 28, 2015

FEAR May 15, 2015

In other blogs I have written about fear.  Fear of people, fear of things.  Fear can be so paralyzing and daunting to the mind.  We can be stunted by its seeming power over us.
I boarded the bus, in Rockland, a bit before 9.  The minute I got on the bus, I became nauseous.  Literally, the minute I got on the bus.  I was fine beforehand.  There was no explanation for this mysterious, sudden ill.  It was a good thing there wasn’t anyone sitting next to me, because I was restless.  I couldn’t get comfortable.  I had that gagging reflex that came and went with the nausea.  I had no other symptoms, just something to put a crimp in my trip.
I began to read on my phone.  This didn’t seem to help things, but I felt compelled to read my Bible app.  I was browsing around the app, there is a place for notes. I had written a note exactly one year ago tomorrow, May 16, 2014  “Fear Not”  I clicked on the note that I had written.  Deuteronomy 31:6 was all that was written.  So, of course, I went to the passage.  I don’t even remember the “where” of how I had received this verse, but it was very appropriate for the trip I was making.
Anyway, when we hit Boston, I began to feel a bit better, not best, but better.  I walked thru the bus terminal thinking maybe I needed to eat.  I ordered a sandwich and figured I would eat when I got on to my bus.
This trip I decided to take a “Bolt Bus” from Boston to NYC.   My reasons were sound, more leg room, better wifi, and cheaper too.  I went to get in line and the attendant came and encouraged me to have a seat because there was a bit of a wait.  So I dragged all my stuff (I actually thought I took less this time.)  I sat down between 2 people.  One gentleman asked me a question about his ticket.  I must look knowledgeable about such things.  The other person got up and left.  I stayed where I was.  An older gentleman came and sat beside me.  His wife was behind him.  I asked if she wanted to have my seat.  She declined.  They were very funny with one another, bantering back and forth.   They started talking about their bus ride on Monday.  “The bus caught fire, and blew up!”  I was in shock!  What!  I wanted details (or did I?)  So they told me.  They were kind of laughing as they were telling me.  I’m sure I turned about three shades of white.
 They were using the Bolt Bus to come to Boston, from NYC,  to visit their Son.  (This really wasn’t a story I wanted to hear.)  The bus driver had problems with the bus and had to pull in somewhere on the way to get a small repair done.  A short while later, they were back on the road.  They had only been on the road for about 20 minutes, when the bus caught fire.  The man continued his story.  He said they got everyone off the bus and all their things too, when the bus just blew up.  I’m like horrified.  I’m sure my face showed it.  I kept saying, “Really??”  “Are you kidding me?!?”  This is like watching a movie about a train derailing and having to go on a train the next day.
The older gentleman looked at me smiling, and said, “Oh, you’ll be alright.  Just stick with us.  Statistically, it shouldn’t happen again.”   That’s all well, and good, but what if statistics are wrong.  My mind was racing, searching for a way out of having to get on the bus.
It was in that moment that God reminded me of the verse that I had just been reading.  Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous.  Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.  He will not leave you or forsake you.”

I smiled, gathered my things and when it was time, got on the bus.

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