Monday, May 26, 2014


Before I woke up on Friday, I had a dream. The sky was dark and there was a tornado. I was by myself, and the tornado was coming toward me with great force, and then just before it reached me, it was lifted. There was debris that lifted before it could hit me, and then it was reduced to a few wisps of dust and air. And then I woke up. As you will read in another blog post, I had changed my plans on Friday to include going to the Staten Island Ferry (It was free and it would provide many opportunities for encounters.) I was making my way back from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. I came upon what I thought was a woman at first (he/she was sitting, bent over and wearing some colorful garments,) but as I approached I realized it was a man, a very BIG man. I used caution as I approached him by making sure I left enough space between us. I got a sense that he could wipe me out in a matter of seconds for whatever reason. I think a lot of the homeless want to give off a certain persona for protection. So in a very cautious manner I stuck my hand out and introduced myself, and asked what his name was. All the sudden in a very loud, forceful voice (I was thinking to myself, “Here it comes….he’s going to clock me, and I’ll be a grease spot on the side walk.) I’m sure I must have winced, waiting for the hand to come across, ready to duck. Anyway back to the loud, forceful voice. He reached out his hand to meet mine. I felt my body get rigid. Yes, I was scared, but I kept with it. He took my hand very gently, but firmly, and said in that loud forceful, deep voice, “I AM OORRRLLLAAANNNDDDOOO!!!” I think I felt it reverberate, and echo off the tall buildings around us. Everyone around me stopped for a moment and then continued on with what they were doing. There was a puff of air that blew my hair at the same time. It was one of those scenes where with one eye open you felt like patting yourself down to make sure you were still in one piece. At this point, I was a little nervous and my words got a little jumbled, but I hesitated just a bit, took a breath and assumed my role. I again asked the questions. As I talked, Orlando softened. When asked about faith, in that very strong and forceful voice he said, “YES, I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! I am the commander of faith!” I was not there to judge another man’s faith. I was there to give encouragement, and hope. I was there to make the invisible, visible. When I gave Orlando the D&D card, I presented it like every other card; it was as if he had been reduced to a little boy. He was softened and approachable. He smiled and thanked me. I was no longer shaking in my shoes. I reached out my hand his hand met mine. I said I would pray for him, and have my friends pray for him as well. He again thanked me. I went on my way. Later I thought about the dream I had had that morning. The rush and force of my dream tornado translated into Orlando’s voice and manner. It was as if God had been warning me ahead of time of what was to come.

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